Genetic research has skyrocketed in the last several decades, and with that, so has research into using stem cells (via cord blood and tissue banking) to treat various medical conditions. As people age, sometimes there is a chance, depending on genetics and other variables, that a person may come down with some form of disorder or a disease that needs a source of compatible stem cells in order to restore degenerated cells and treat the condition.
One of the best sources for compatible stem cells is the umbilical cord blood and tissue that is often discarded after the birth of a child. Stems cells from a baby’s cord can be used later in life, however, if they are properly preserved and stored. Cord blood and tissue banking is becoming more popular amongst parents because it gives their child more options in the future, should the unthinkable happen and they develop a degenerative disorder.
The Difference Between Cord Blood and Cord Tissue
Cord blood and cord tissue from a baby are used for different treatments later in life. Cord blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma, and it is also a rich source of stem cells. Stem cells that are young can differentiate into different cells as needed, changing into cells that can help treat a disorder, as well as being able to replicate themselves. In most adults, the most common source of stem cells is in the bone marrow, but bone marrow stem cells are older, and they aren’t able to replicate themselves as much, meaning more is needed overall (and often through a painful extraction process.) The cord blood that is stored in cord blood and tissue banking is used for transfusions and is able to treat over 80 diseases, including cancers, immune and blood related diseases, and metabolic disorders, with more potential uses being found all the time.
Cord tissue is the actual tissue from the umbilical cord, and stem cells are extracted from it, then stored. Core tissue includes a different type of stem cell (mesenchymal stem cells, MSC) that can leverage cell therapy to differentiate into various tissues and organ cells, including cardiac, nerve, cartilage/bone, and muscle cells. restoring cells lost to disorders and cancers. Cord blood and tissue banking allows families to save for the future of their child.
The Importance of Storing Cord Blood and Tissue for Each Child
When it comes to cord blood and tissue banking, you should be considering storing every child’s cord blood and tissue that you can. It is only fair to give them all the same opportunity to succeed against health problems in the future, but when it comes to stem cell donating, perfect matches are not absolutely necessary. This means that a sibling has a 25% of being a perfect match, a 50% of a half match, and only a 25% chance of not matching at all. That means that, if something has tainted one source of stem cells, or if the source runs out, there are still more options available.
If you are looking to the future of your children’s health and want to store cord blood and tissue at the time of birth, consider the cord blood and tissue banking services available from HealthBanks.