Why is it Important to Save a Child’s Cord Blood

Why is it Important to Save a Child’s Cord Blood

When you bring a child into the world, there are a lot of decisions to be made. It is important to make an informed choice for all of them. One very important thing to think about is whether or not to save your baby’s cord blood. Saving the cord blood in a cord blood bank costs a yearly fee, and there is an initial investment for the collection. In case you do have questions about whether or not it is necessary, why is it important to save a child’s cord blood?

Cord blood is valuable

Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells that can be used to treat any number of serious diseases later in life. Already, a great deal is known about what the cord blood stem cells can do right now, but there is much more to be learned. More and more, people are realizing that the cord blood is very valuable and full of potential. As more is saved, the cord blood bank costs are offset by research into this potential. If you are considering banking the cord blood now, with the idea that your child might need it in ten, fifty, or more years from now, imagine what it might be worth then.

Cord blood must be stored correctly

Cord blood bank costs for storage pay to cryogenically keep the blood cells at -196 degrees C. This freezing process must be done slowly so that the cells are not damaged in the process. Cord blood contains red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma, so it is delicate, and care must be taken. The cord blood bank costs are worth the time and care.

The sooner a child’s cord blood is banked, the longer the stem cells will last. Young stem cells are strong, and they can differentiate and replicate. Having them available means that there will always be a rich source of blood available for transplants, or disease treatment when needed. The cord blood bank costs also enable researchers to keep looking into the potential of cord blood to treat unknown diseases in the future.

Currently, stem cells can be used to treat over 80 different diseases – cancers, blood disorders, immune deficiencies, and metabolic diseases. People who bank their child’s cord blood do this because the cord blood bank costs are worth it, both for what it can do now, and potentially for what it can do in the future.

Paying the cord blood bank costs to store cord blood now is wise. It means that the blood will be available to your child if it is needed in the future, but also that the research will be funded and ongoing so that treatments for these diseases can be found. Currently, cord blood stem cells can be used with patients who have blood and immune disorders, like leukemia and lymphomas.

Are the cord blood costs worth it?

The costs are still the biggest issue, especially those for collection and storage, and your child may never need to use it, especially if there is no family history of disease. But should something devastating occur, this cord blood is a 100% match for the child, and there is at least a 25% chance that it will match a sibling, so it’s definitely worth the cord blood bank costs.

For more information about the importance of paying the cord blood bank costs, click here.